Improvements regarding Mindmap and Dark Mode

  1. In Mindmap, add a functionality of applying edits(Bold, Italic) to only selected text, not the complete block.

  2. In Mindmap, please introduce a way to insert ‘Tab’. Currently, pressing Tab while writing a paragraph in mindmap creates a new sibling.

  3. !! Please add a dark mode feature, or let the users edit the canvas color. Current color is not very friendly in dark.

  4. Allow the feature of collapsible images (in the same manner child nodes collapse in Mindmap)

Thank You.


Pls Dark mode is required.


I am once again requesting whimsical PLEASE adds a dark mode.

There is so much friction to me actually using this tool more because I hate staring at the white void, to harsh on the eyes if you actually want to keep a board open in a side screen.

Our company is trialing Whimsical at the moment, we are happy in general, but the lack of dark mode means we are likely to use a different tool. We are planning on ordering >30 licenses.