Multiple mind map nodes condensed back down in the flow

Often we are putting together a mind map and we need to expand an item out into multiple sub items (easy) but then those sub items all flow back into a singular item.

Said in another way - you start at A, you can go to B or C or D, but then you end up at E.

With a flow chart this is easy enough to connect those nodes but not in a mind map :frowning:

At least I donā€™t think there is. Iā€™m happy to be proven wrong!


Youā€™re right, Sean - this type of diagram is possible in flowcharts but not with mind maps currently.

Weā€™d be interested to learn more about your use case, and why mind maps are the best tool for you in this type of case. Please reach out to us at if youā€™re open to sharing more with us! :pray:

This thread is somewhat dead, but I would like to revive it with my specific use case and an example.

When exploring ideas with a mind map, I often run into a situation where two previous identified problems are both solved by the same solution. For instance:

I have a mind map of the tech stack of my new software project. I identify two pieces of tech that I want to use:

  1. ReactFlow, a library to make workflow based UIā€™s similar to Shopify.
  2. YJS. A library for realtime collaboration like on google docs or whimsical.

I then branch out from these nodes to explain how they work and identified issues. I then find some documentation of exactly how to make YJS able to allow realtime collaboration for React Flow diagrams. Perfect! I would love to link both YJS and ReactFlow together to a single node saying ā€œYJS and ReactFlow integration docsā€ with a link to that piece of documentation.

This feature missing leads to a ton of messiness of either having to repeat myself and it makes maintaining large whimsical mind maps more tedious, making it less likely to be kept maintained and used at all.

This feature is absolutely something that is keeping us from migrating more of our docs in the analysis and exploration phase to Whimsical

Looking for the same featureā€¦ Multiple individual nodes can be summed by a single node