Clever Trick for Power Users

Steps to use whimsical as your very own desktop app.
(or any other web app you use a lot)

be you
be not wanting to always have to use whimsical in a web browser tab
be using chrome
click chrome menu button
click more tools
create shortcut
“open in window” selected
take shortcut and put it in sidebar. (or desktop)
rock whimsical app air quote fingers

(do this with all websites tools you use a lot)


This is great! Thank you for this tip.

Thank you, I was looking for this.


Free but for $5, you can purchase a Fluid License which unlocks a few extra features:

  1. Pin Fluid Apps to the Mac OS X Status Bar. (Fluid App Menu → Pin to Status Bar…)
  2. Use Userscripts or Userstyles in your Fluid Apps. (Window → Userscripts)
  3. Use Full Screen mode in your Fluid Apps. (View → Enter Full Screen)