I would welcome to have an option to export my Docs files as a markdown so I can easily use them as a content for website. Use case: Whimsical Docs are used internally/privately (and) as a creative/editorial tool. Then, some of the content is used for public website. Would really facilitate such process. Thanks.
Is there anything in the pipeline for this feature? Right now I’m having to copy, paste, and edit (huge lists) to be able to use any information in an external document at the moment. Unless I’m missing something? Does someone have a workaround? Thanks.
I believe you can select the entire document text, copy, then paste the content as markdown into a text editor. Some exceptions – like tables – might exist.
I’ll see you, and raise you a gitlab integration so that we can treat documentation as code.
Hi folks, just a follow-up to this thread. We now have a built-in “Copy as Markdown” option available in the right click menu.
Copying the doc above produces the following markdown:
# TPS report cover sheet
| **Proposed by** | |
| --- | --- |
| Date | |
| System | |
| Platform | |
| Unit Code | |
[**IEEE 829**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_829)** – Test Procedure Specification**
_The Test Procedures_ are developed from both the _Test Design_ and the _Test Case Specification_. The document describes how the tester will physically run the test, the physical set-up required, and the procedure steps that need to be followed. The standard defines ten procedure steps that may be applied when running a test.